Driving Growth.
Leading Protection.

Tailored insurance solutions for dealerships across Canada.

Since 1980, dealerships, lenders and manufacturers have trusted Pitcher & Doyle to provide specialized insurance services solutions customized for their unique and diverse needs. We pride ourselves on the strength of our partnerships and our unfailing willingness to curate and create solutions that help businesses optimize operations, minimize risk, and provide outstanding customer service.

Preferred Dealer Protection

Preferred Dealer Protection is a comprehensive commercial insurance program designed specifically to meet the needs of dealers. We provide insurance programs for new car dealers, heavy truck dealers, R.V. dealers, farm implement dealers and powersports dealers.

These insurance programs are administered by Pitcher & Doyle and distributed through a solid professional network of independent insurance brokers across Canada that provide local advice and service.

When you are in the dealership business, controlling costs is as important to your bottom line as increasing sales. In addition to the normal operating costs, insurance related losses affect the expense line. One loss could easily turn a good year into a problem. Studies show that as much as 70 percent of the losses that occur in dealerships can be prevented when proper attention is given to loss avoidance. Reductions in losses usually result in a savings in your insurance premium which in turn reduces your total operating cost.

Dealers who support loss control are usually considered preferred risks by insurance companies because they demonstrate a better loss history. Preferred dealers experience preferred rating and generally more stable insurance rates.

When you participate in the Preferred Dealer Protection program, you will receive a loss control program at no cost to you. This loss control program is tailored to your needs by professionally trained loss control personnel with years of specific experience in dealership operations.

 Preferred Dealer Protection services include:

Loss Control

Coverage Designed for Dealers

About Pitcher & Doyle

The Strength of a Leader

Pitcher & Doyle was founded in 1980 and is a recognized quality provider of insurance programs and services for the dealership industry. Pitcher & Doyle manages the Preferred Dealer Protection Program across Canada with many satisfied dealers participating in this preferred program.


Our Executive

Careful attention to every aspect of a business is required to safeguard assets and improve profits. Utilizing specialized dealership expertise, quality loss control and local professional knowledge, Pitcher & Doyle can make a major contribution to your bottom line.

Connect with one of our dedicated Advisors and give us a chance to show you how we put client experience first.

Ross Gibson

President & CEO

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